Dies ist mein Beitrag zum Pixel-Fiction Filmszenenwettbewerb. Mehr Informationen gibt es im Pogerobis - Infogebäude.

Warum gerade diese Szene?

Forrest Gump zählt schon seit Jahren zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsfilmen. Immer wenn er mal wieder im Fernsehen läuft schaue ich ihn mir erneut an. Diese Szene in der Allee bleibt wohl jedem im Gedächnis der den Film gesehen hat. Neben der hier gezeigten Szene gibt es noch eine sehr Ähnliche, welche 10 Jahre zuvor spielt und Forrest als kleinen Jungen zeigt.

Auschnitt aus dem Drehbuch

EXT. GREENBOW/OAK ALLEY - DAY (1961) Forrest and Jenny are teenagers now. They walk along an oaklined road.
FORREST (V.O.) ...all the way to high school.
Suddenly Forrest is hit in the back with a rock. Forrest and Jenny turn around.
OLDER BOY #1 Hey, stupid!
JENNY Quit it!
A teenage boy throws another rock as a pickup truck pulls up behind him. Jenny turns and looks at Forrest.

JENNY Run, Forrest, run!
OLDER BOY #1 Hey. Did you hear me, stupid?
JENNY Run, Forrest!
Forrest drops his books and runs down the road. The teenage boy jumps into the back of the pickup truck with another boy as the truck speeds after Forrest. Jenny steps left and gets out of the way.
OLDER BOY #2 Come on, he's getting away! Move it!
JENNY Run, Forrest! Run!
OLDER BOY #1 You better be runnin', stupid. Run, Forrest!
Forrest runs along the road. The truck speeds after him.
OLDER BOY #2 Come on, dummy!
OLDER BOY #1 Haul ass, dummy!
Older Boy throws rocks at Forrest.
OLDER BOY #1 Yeah, you better be runnin'!
BOY Ya-hoo!
EXT. OAK ALLEY The boys in the back of the truck throw rocks at Forrest as they drive up to him.
OLDER BOY #1 Move it, jack rabbit!
The truck follows right on Forrest's heels. A rebel flag license plate adorns the truck's grill.
OLDER BOY #1 Come on!
Forrest runs along the road as the truck chases him. The boys in the back of the truck pound on the roof as the truck turns right, after Forrest. The truck drives into a field.

Forrest runs toward a fence.
BOY Run! Faster! Yeah! Go! Go! Come on,
Forrest! Yeah!
JENNY Run, Forrest!
Forrest leaps over a five-foot fence as the boys try to catch him.


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