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Kommentare 11-15 (von 15):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2  
Where are the shadows? You must design the ground.
03.10.2007 / 16:24
gelöschter Benutzer    
small and nice! the form is absrakt and creatively.
14.09.2007 / 16:38
gelöschter Benutzer    
How sweet it looks with that big flower in front! but you should add some grass structure..
14.09.2007 / 11:55
Well it's not too little but really a bit to small *g*

The colour is nice and you've added some bushes as details - nice. Also the edges are not black but adapted in their colour to the surfaces that they define. Also well done.

The flower is huge and not adapted to the perspective. Then you did not design any ground. The green of the grid below is not too exciting.

Maybe you should have a look into the tutorial section on form and perspective though I'm not sure how much of it is available in English yet. If you have any questions or can't find proper documentation feel free to send me a message at any time.
14.09.2007 / 10:59
naja find ich echt nicht gut.....
falsche größen! halbe hütte!
content = 0
14.09.2007 / 09:06

Kommentare 11-15 (von 15):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2  