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Kommentare 1-10 (von 29):  Seite: 1 | 2 | 3 weiter  
The giant computer fits to the topic of the grid.
It looks good. Just details are missing.
The content is very, very short.

I think it's a good first try: isometric is ok, shadowing is ok. So fine!
06.10.2011 / 17:46
ok, but i miss the shadows and some textures.
12.03.2010 / 14:36
schade, hätte man mehr daraus machen können...
02.01.2009 / 13:11
gelöschter Benutzer    
Ich schließe mich newvil44 total an.Außer der Witz ,der nicht!
22.12.2008 / 20:54
gelöschter Benutzer    
den rechner würde ich mit meinem vergleichen... sieht auch so alt aus... *lach*... nein kleiner spaß... hast du ganz gut gemacht... aber mehr details und einen ausführlichen content wäre gut
16.04.2006 / 22:21
I understand that for sure. We mods, the police of Pixel Plaza, are supposed to look out for rips, multiaccounts and other ways of breaking the rules so fair players can feel good around here and not taken for fools... Fair playing persons really don't love cheaters, so if someone is suspected of cheating, comments of other players generally don't sound very nice since his/her name is cleared...

Nobody is rude to players obeying the rules and caring for others here. We mods have to do the dirty work like asking unpleasant questions and deleting ripped, illegal or extremely non-fitting drawings. On the other hand we really care for people and their arts, we comment every single house one after one, which gives money and points to the players (& houses), and we sure try to help as much as we can, answering questions, giving support, making space, etc.

Whatcha think: doesn't your computer look a lot more at home between all the abstract stuff around here?
02.03.2006 / 20:53
i HATE you and this site!!!!
cant you say anything good?? and YES i drawn this for my self!!!!!!!!1
02.03.2006 / 11:00
you know what ..?
02.03.2006 / 10:59
Hoi...I send you some Lollies...
01.03.2006 / 21:44
Interesting... this grass has so much less drawing-quality than the computer-thingie has... The grass even doesn't fit onto the piece of land... makes me think that the computer is not drawn by yourself even more now... No casting shadow, no larger door...

Ok, if you can't make it into a house or if you refuse to draw something that fits into this city, I'll put the computer onto an abstraction-grid tomorrow.
01.03.2006 / 20:09

Kommentare 1-10 (von 29):  Seite: 1 | 2 | 3 weiter  