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Kommentare 21-22 (von 22):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2 | 3  
Idea: That is, what I understand under the word coffee-shop

Drawing: very, very good. Add cast Shadows and I would give you one point more.

Content: Chiya said it already: more content, pls
17.03.2006 / 22:42
That's professional pixel-art
Idea: great idea, also the architecture is quite interesting (not just some blocks). Nice details - well, there may always be more details, especially on the grey floor to the right... Some parking cars at least?
Drawing: the shading is very carefully done, the cup has its flaws at the handle, but oh well. I think the windows to the left should be a bit brighter, since they are on the light-side of the building. Cast shadows are missing to the right onto the floor (this is the only real mistake in my opinion). I'd personally prefer not-so-dark outlines on top of the drawing, especially the cup. Some shading of the coffee would be nice too
Content: too bad, there's nearly no content I'd be so happy to see some making-of-pics, really. More description too. And at least some words about the programs you used to make this little gem ^_^
14.03.2006 / 04:43

Kommentare 21-22 (von 22):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2 | 3  