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Kommentare 11-20 (von 21):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2 | 3 weiter  
gefält mir schlöagschatten fehlt leider -.-
27.06.2006 / 19:44
Thats really good
18.06.2006 / 08:46
standart, nich? content ok..
01.06.2006 / 17:39
Ah, some nice changes Also there is content now - great ^_^ I like the roof, even if the style may seem a bit strange - the right side should really be even darker than the left side if possible - maybe you could change that a bit again? Cast shadows are still missing? Well, just take your time, a lot of us players improve our drawings from time to time
Content: I would so much like to see a making-of of this house in pictures (saved steps or earlier versions) - you can upload these directly - click on the second orange icon from the top Photos of your inspiration would be nice too - and even more text *duck*
12.04.2006 / 15:13
Ich kann leider keinen Schatten sehen. Auch hier ist die Architektur recht einfach, aber nicht alltäglich durch den Balkon-Trakt. Der Weg ist schon,wenngleich die Platten unregelmäßig groß sind. //
Unfortunatly, I cannot see any shodows. The architecture ist ok, because of the balcony, which make the house not so average. The squares in the garden are ok, although they are not all the same size. All in all not bad for your first house.
10.04.2006 / 15:38
gelöschter Benutzer    
It's more or less
10.04.2006 / 01:21
idea: strange, but I've seen something similar to this around here... Quite an easy archtecture, but not bad
drawing: shadows are too light, can't see a difference between left and right side, especially the windows aren't darker on the right side, please change that. Cast shadows on the ground to the right are missing.
Content: not one word of information about your house? Poor little thing! A Making-of would be great!
10.04.2006 / 00:38
hi, welcome to PixelPlaza! Nice for the first start, but the red color is a little bit too dominating in this house. you should also paint the sides on the right darker than the left and the top side a little bit brighter, that makes your house more realistic. Nice windows and Architecture. You should also write some information about your house or other stuff about yourself in the content of your house (first icon from above to the right of your house. Rock on!
08.04.2006 / 09:30
idee ist ganz gut, nur bei der umsetzung hapert es noch ein wenig ... zum einen fehlt der schatten und der schlagschatten, dann sieht das dach und der garten noch sehr kahl aus ... da kann man noch einiges machen.
und denk an den content !
07.04.2006 / 15:58
gelöschter Benutzer    
I love the house it's very cool for me.
07.04.2006 / 12:38

Kommentare 11-20 (von 21):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2 | 3 weiter  