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Kommentare 11-19 (von 19):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2  
gelöschter Benutzer    
there shoud be a little more content and add details in the roof
Nice pizza place
17.04.2006 / 00:07
gelöschter Benutzer    
not bad.... not bad... but it is not a new idea... in PP there are so much of these buildings, but I think you've done it good... it looks very nice... you can make some stucture on the grassland....
14.04.2006 / 14:03
Giffy? Now that's interesting
14.04.2006 / 01:00
Idea: easy architecture, but an interesting color There is so much pizza on Pixel Plaza that I feel a bit nausea
Drawing: could you please lighten up the left side, which is hit by the light - somehow more like the roof? Cast shadows would look really great (should fall to the right side, from the chimney and the letters). The last letter seems to be a bit smaller and leans to the right side? Shadows are missing on the right side of the letters. The floor could use some texture, maybe the roof too? I think the windows to the left could be a bit brighter And some details would be nice
Content: at least something ^_^ Ah, how I would love making-of-pictures A bit more text about the pizza store would be nice too - what kind of pizzas can we order from you? *g* Are there pictures of the pizzas perhaps? What programs did you use to draw?
12.04.2006 / 15:19
gelöschter Benutzer    
For me this is too simple.
10.04.2006 / 18:02
Der Schriftzug ist gut geworden. Erinnert mich an PetersADC-Pizzeria. Schatten fehlt auch hier, und Einzelheiten ebenso. //
Remers at the pizza of perterADC. well, shodows are missing, and the square in the front is too empty. the "pizza"-writing ist ok.
10.04.2006 / 15:41
this and your next buildings are all very simple and similar, with the writing on top of the roof and those simple-squared buildings, try something different, maybe a little more complex, for me this pic lacks of those small details that are typical for a pizzeria (and we already have a lot of them )
08.04.2006 / 09:32
des haus hat den gleichen charme wie die restlichen häuser auch, kein schatten, kaum details, klotzbauform ... lass dir mal was neues einfallen, auserdem ist die idee pizzeria schon sehr ausgelutscht...

und noch ein tip: schreib den content dazu oO
07.04.2006 / 16:01
leider kein content aber muss sagen ganz nett geworden nur etwas simpel gemacht und so sehr... und der schatten verläuft etwas falsch aber sonnst für eins deiner ersten häuser schön schön
07.04.2006 / 12:17

Kommentare 11-19 (von 19):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2  