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Kommentare 11-17 (von 17):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2  
Idea: interesting Some cars on the ground would be nice. You could use the official PP-cars or player-cars Forum-Post:4547. I'd also prefer some ledges going round the building here and there The pyramid-roof could use textures ^_^
Drawing: well done, the cast shadow looks great! The darker side on the right should have darker windows (glass) too, don't you think so? Uh, ah, hm, what exactly IS the "curve thing"? ^_^'' It sure is funny and gives the whole artwork a much fresher look, but I'm at a loss about it's nature, really. Should have grey outlines and some brighter part since it looks like metal? You're killing my brain-cells!
Content: yeah, too bad about the making-of, but oh well. How about a larger version of the drawing in the content instead? I think something like that also shows newbies some useful things Thanks for mentioning the programs you used. Some pics fitting the theme would make the content look more interesting.
P.S.: Jerre thinks there should be more cast shadows and details...
P.P.S.: thanks for writing comments and giving tips to so many players
17.07.2006 / 01:18
gelöschter Benutzer    
This skyscraper is quiete ok, but it is not normal for such a high/ tall buildung to be so small in bridth.
08.07.2006 / 16:51
cool center
07.07.2006 / 23:14
zu wenigh details... schlagschatten fehlt auch sry
27.06.2006 / 19:44
Der Turm selber istnicht so berauschend: nur hoch, nicht breit,einem Wokenkratzer daher nicht sooo ähnlich (bis auf die Höhe).
Der Content hat eine schöne Bescrehreibung, scahde um das Making-Of.
Dtailideen: Plakate auf dem Parkplatz (bzw. der Mauer), Autos, einige aus den Fenstern gugende Personen//
This skyscraper is quiete ok, but it is not normal for such a high/ tall buildung to be so small in bridth. There are too less details.
you can draw some big posters at the parking lots or the wall, cars odr persons looking out of the windows.
the content descrption is ok. pity, that the making-of is gone. it died *cry*
12.06.2006 / 20:34
Sorry, I forgot the assessment
12.06.2006 / 18:39
This building looks nice. But the huge car park is soooooo empty. Maybe it would be better, to make some Cars on it, perhaps with an animation of a driving Car? The Content is really rough, but I think this easily could be changed.

Here, I give you the translation from DiplomBaumeister:
"sehr schön kannste das noch besser?" --> really nice could you do it still better?

@ DiplomBaumeister: Echt sinnvoll, jemandem, der kein Deutsch kann einen deutschen Kommentar zu hinterlassen
12.06.2006 / 18:36

Kommentare 11-17 (von 17):  Seite: zurück 1 | 2  